BIO - DL PTY LTD is located in the beautiful Australia, is one of the world's leading supplier of laboratory instrument, its products include analytical instruments, laboratory equipment, laboratory supplies, reagents, software, etc. BIO - DL PTY LTD is committed to users from all walks of life to provide quality products of science and technology, gold medal close-fitting service, efforts to create a better future.
BIO - DL PTY LTD is committed to test tube babies (reproductive center), biological treatment, three areas of food safety. For the majority of users provide liquid move, CO? Incubator supporting the use of gas cylinders converter, efficient gas purifier, preliminary success in China market and market recognition. BIO - DL PTY LTD company is introducing IVF subsequent electronic medical records, sample management system, CO? Incubator liquid nitrogen tank liquid level monitoring system, monitoring system, biological safety cabinet membrane filter and a series of products, to bring customers a better product experience.
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