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          化工儀器網(wǎng)>產(chǎn)品展廳>物理特性分析儀器>表面/界面性能測定儀>開爾文探針系統(tǒng)> 專業(yè)銷售 英國Uniscan Instruments SKP370 ...

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          專業(yè)銷售 英國Uniscan Instruments SKP370 掃描開爾文探針系統(tǒng)








          Scanning Kelvin Probe System

          The Scanning Kelvin Probe (SKP) is a non-contact, non-destructive instrument designed to measure the surface work function difference between conducting, coated, or semi-conducting materials and a metallic probe. The technique operates using a vibrating capacitance probe, and through a swept backing potential, the work function difference is measured between the scanning probe reference tip and sample surface. The work function can be directly correlated to the surface condition. A unique aspect of the SKP is its ability to make measurements in a humid or gaseous environment.  Applications include: -

          scanning kelvin probe 
          Figure 1
          • Filiform corrosion studies
          • Transport process of hydrated ions
          • Study of fuel cell catalysts
          • Forensic detection of fingerprints
          • Charaterisation of photovoltaic materials
          • Femi-level mapping

          The principle of operation of the Kelvin Probe is illustrated in Figure 1.

          The figure represents three energy level diagrams depicting two metals having a constant separation, work functions and Fermi levels of (φ1, E1) and (φ2, E2), respectively.

          The first diagram shows the metals with no electrical contact and differing Fermi levels. When electrical contact is made (middle diagram) the flow of charge allows the Fermi levels to equalize and gives rise to a surface charge.


          The potential difference, VC, is related to the difference in work function:

          -eVC = φ1 - φ2 (1) where e is the electron charge.

          The inclusion of an external backing potential, VB (final diagram), allows for a nulling of the surface charge at a unique point where VB = - VC. This point represents the work function difference between the two materials.  Work function can then be used to determine the corrosion potential (Ecorr) at a specific point using the relationship:

          Ecorr = Constant + (φ1 - φ2) (2) where (φ1 - φ2) is the measured work function between the probe and the sample. 

          filiform corrosion 
          Figure 2

          The constant can be determined by measuring the corrosion potential using a conventional reference electrode in an electrolyte. Once the constant is known for a particular sample, Ecorr can be calculated directly from the SKP data without an electrolyte.


          Figure 2 shows the Scanning Kelvin Probe Measurement of filiform corrosion on Aluminium


          Figure 3

          Figure 3 shows a surface map of the Scanning Kelvin Probe signal recorded over the heat affected zone of welded material.


          Figure 4


          Figure 4 shows a surface map of the Scanning Kelvin Probe signal recorded over a printed circuit board.

          :    -8007

          : www.annovatech.com
          : caoye513


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