詳細介紹 是在原78X-3C型片劑多用測定儀基礎上改進的新產品。本儀器一機多用,分別用于藥片的硬度、脆碎度、崩解時限、它科學地將對藥片多種性能的檢測綜合在一臺儀器中完成。它是各科研單位、大專院校、藥檢部門及藥廠對藥品進行檢驗的*儀器
吊籃上下移動距離 55±2mm
吊籃上下往復次數 30~32次/分
平底燒杯容積 1000ml
杯內水溫 37± 0.3 ℃
吊籃上升籃網至液面距離 25mm
吊籃下降籃網至杯底距離 25mm
輪鼓直徑: Ø286±0.20mm
輪鼓深: 39±0.30mm
轉速: 25轉/分、100轉停機
被測藥片zui大直徑 30mm
zui大測試壓力 20kg
測試精度 ±,0.03kg
78X-3C multi-function tablet tester is a new innovate designed production. All the tester technical indicators are in line with the "Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2005" version of the provision. It is an ideal drug testing equipment.
1. the part of disintegration
Distance Hanging Basket Covers Vertically 55±1mm
Times of Hanging Basket Up and Down 30-32 times/min
the volume of flat-bottomed beaker 1000ml
2.the part of friability
The inner diameter of brake drum Ø286mm
The depth of brake drum 39mm
The rotary speed 25r/min. 100r/min will be stopped
3.the part of hardness
the max. Diameter of testing drug 25mm
the max. testing pressure 200N
the testing accuracy 5N