Agilent 81940A Compact Tunable Laser Source with C
Key Specifications
- High optical output power: +13 dBm
- Wide tuning range: 1520nm-1630nm
- Built-in wavemeter for excellent accuracy: +/-20pm
- Built-in coherence control
- Stimulated Brillioun scattering suppression
Agilent's 81940A high power compact tunable lasers enables optical device characterization at high power levels and measurement of nonlinear effects. It's improves the testing of all types of optical amplifiers and other active components as well as broadband passive optical components. As single slot plug-in modules for Agilent's 8163A/B, 8164A/B and 8166A/B mainframes, they are a flexible and cost effective stimulus for single channel and DWDM test applications. Each module covers a total wavelength range of 110 nm in the C+L-band.
- High optical output power: +13 dBm
- Wide tuning range: 1520nm-1630nm
- Built-in wavemeter for excellent accuracy: +/-20pm
- Built-in coherence control
- Stimulated Brillioun scattering suppression
- Provides the stimulus power needed to test today's optical amplifiers, which reduces the need to add booster amplifiers.
- The wide tuning range of 110nm allows characterization of the DUTs in adjacent wavelength bands C+L with one sweep.
- The built-in wavemeter eliminates the need for external wavelength monitoring, which reduces measurement uncertainties.
- The built-in coherence control feature avoids problems with stimulated Brillioun Scattering (SBS) and interference effects generated by unwanted cavities
- Test non-linear effects in fibers and transmission links