Mach-1 - Lap Shear Testing (MA056-SOP13-D v2)
Gilbert N and Quenneville E
Biomomentum Inc. Laval (QC), Canada, Effective Date: December 19th, 2016
Purpose: This procedure describes a standard method to realize a lap shear test on an adhesive between two substrates using the Mach-1 mechanical tester.
Scope: This procedure can be used for lap shear adhesion testing. Some parameters must be specified in an associated protocol/report: thickness of the substrates, composition of the adhesive (molecular weight, molecular composition, final geometry), vertical resolution, substrate attachment method, filename, stress-relaxation parameters and number of ramps. Note that for the case of gel adhesive, instructions for the preparation of the gel layer using a kit (MA133) are also included. It is highly recommended to use standard protocol for sample preparation to allow a better control on sample’s dimensions and to facilitate positioning in the chamber.
Mach-1 Analysis - Extraction of Mechanical Parameters Following Lap Shear Test (SW186-SOP09-D v2)
Gilbert N and Quenneville E
Biomomentum Inc. Laval (QC), Canada, Effective Date: December 19th, 2016.
This procedure describes a method to extract mechanical parameters from Mach-1 result files generated following lap shear testing on an adhesive between two substrates as per MA056-SOP13-D.
This procedure can be applied using any Mach-1 result file obtained following a lap shear test on a sample. Some parameters must be specified in an associated protocol: the filename(s) containing results from a stress relaxation shear test and/or sinusoid test and parameters for the extraction of the shear modulus.