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          世聯(lián)博研(北京)科技有限公司>供求商機>MI-442-K +離子微電極
          MI-442-K +離子微電極
          • MI-442-K +離子微電極

          貨物所在地: 北京北京市
          產(chǎn)地: 美國
          更新時間: 2024-10-04 21:00:07
          期: 2024年10月4日--2025年4月4日
          已獲點擊: 166

          (聯(lián)系我們,請說明是在 化工儀器網(wǎng) 上看到的信息,謝謝!)


          K +離子微電極
          Carefully unwind the tape and remove the probe from the protective glass tube. Only the bulbous tip is sensitive to sodium. For best results, soak the tip of the electrode in 0.1 N NaCl solu


          K +離子微電極

          Calibration Meter requirement: Any research grade pH meter with millivolt mode capability. Set meter to millivolt mode.
          The MI-442 is standardized using pure potassium chloride (KCl) solutions and again in solutions containing possible interfering ions ( if appropriate). The pure KCl solutions are used to determine probe function. In pure solutions, a 55 mv difference (approximate) will occur
          between each tenfold change in concentration. For example, test in 0.001 N KCl, 0.01 N KCl and
          0.1 N KCl.
          Standardization in solutions containing possible interfering ions is done in order to simulate the actual samples to be analyzed. For example, if your samples contain a known sodium background such as 150 millimoles NaCl then your calibrating standards should also have this background. These are some possible mixtures you could use: 0.001N KCl-0.15 N NaCl,
          0.01N KCl-0.15 N NaCl, 0.1N KCl-0.15 N NaCl. The data are then plotted on semilog paper
          (See Sample Calibration Curve).

          K +離子微電極

          Remember! For best results, do the following:
          1. Always use standards that bracket the concentration range that you expect to have in
          your samples.
          2. Always mix your standards to closely match the composition of your samples.
          3. Always calibrate using the same volume of standard that you will have as a sample. Example: samples = 50 microliters then standards = 50 microliters

          K +離子微電極

          When using the electrodes in solutions containing protein, the MI-442 and the reference electrode should be rinsed with an enzyme cleaning solution such as Terg-a-zyme (Alconox,
          Inc.) or a chromic/sulfuric glass cleaning solution after each use for a couple of minutes to
          remove the protein from the glass and the reference junction. This will prolong the useful life of the electrodes



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