Vickers VICKERS solenoid valve and the valve body, composed of the pilot pressure valve, which is the unloading valve is a safety valve, relief valve is sometimes when unloading their separate ways through the oil path control valve, with the foregoing unloading oil path when the valve is in the neutral position and the brightest, unloading valve control oil passage (see Fig. 1b and 2) through the valve and the brightest in communication with the tank. when unloading, the majority oil unloading, short-channel, low pressure loss in any way reversing valve work, then cut control oil passages, oil supply to the oil enters the valve actuator from work, working pressure pilot valve controlled by the size of this time system pressure pilot valve to adjust the pressure. this kind unloading way, even large ones valve increases, but the control oil passage increases, unloading pressure increase is not always maintain a low pressure unloading, unloading this way for more manual valve, unloading and reliable.