CAS | 75-11-6 | 供貨周期 | 現貨 |
規(guī)格 | 1ml 純品型,有證書 | 貨號 | SB15060.1000 |
應用領域 | 環(huán)保,食品,化工,生物產業(yè) |
Ref Num: SB15060.1000
Full Name: Diiodomethane CAS:75-11-6 EC:200-841-5
Shelf Life on Ship Date: 24 Months - Store in a refrigerator at temperatures between 2°C to 8°C
Vol.: 1 ml
Certification: | ISO 17034 ? | ISO 17025 ? | ISO 9001 ? |
Description of Diiodomethane CAS:75-11-6 EC:200-841-5
[75-11-6] Diiodomethane 100 mg