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          閱讀:463          發(fā)布時間:2015-5-27
          文獻名: Nanometals and Complexes in Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy
          作者: Sajid Bashir, Srinath Palakurthi, Hong-Cai Zhou, and Jingbo Liu
          摘要:Cancer nanotheranostics have advanced with the advent of nanotechnology due to their unique physicochemical properties, such as quantum confinement in quantum dots, superparamagnetism in certain oxide nanoparticles, and surface-enhanced Raman scattering in metallic nanoparticles (Wang 2012), resulting in the emergence of sensitive and cost-effective imaging agents(Lee 2009). Similarly, their properties, such as large surface area-to-volume ratio, capability to control size, hydrophobicity, and a surface charge according to the intended application, make them valuable carriers for therapeutic drugs and genes (Liu 2007). Many nanocarriers for anticancer drugs (e.g., immunolipsomes of doxorubicin and polymeric micelles with paclitaxel) are being investigated clinically for their targeting capabilities (Matsumura 2004, 2008). Thus, nanoparticles have the required attributes to house therapeutic payloads along with diagnostic imaging agents for real-time monitoring of treatment response (Peer 2007).
          In this chapter, three classifications of nanomaterials in cancer nanotheranostics-nanometals (NMs), nanometal oxides (MOs), and nanometal-organic frameworks (MOFs)——are introduced, followed by an overview of synthetic methods and characterization, and a discussion of the efficacy of a nanometerial when loaded with an anticancer drug. The related results, including the advantages and disadvantages of each type of nanomaterial, are discussed, with a comparison to the current literature of similar works. Lastly, a new approach using MOFs is described, followed by a conclusion and future trends in the area of cancer nanotheranostics science.


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