
    1. <dd id="lgp98"></dd>
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        1. 上海起發(fā)實驗試劑有限公司



          參   考   價:面議


          品       牌:


          所  在  地:上海市

          更新時間:2017-01-01 05:39:32瀏覽次數:1878

          聯系我時,請告知來自 化工儀器網
          Targeting Systems was started in May 1996 entirely with the help of an SBIR phase I grant from the NIH. The company launched its first product line, Targefect? within its first year of inception.
          VL-001pCMV-VargLucExpresses Cyprdina (Vargula) luciferase under control of the CMV promoter5083
          VL-002pBasic-VargLucPromoterless vector expressing Cypridina Luciferase5083
          GL-001pCMV-GLucExpresses native Gaussia luciferase under CMV promoter5083
          GL-002pGLuc-BasicPromoterless vector expressing Gaussia luciferase5083
          GL-K 001pCMV-GLuc-KDELExpresses intracellular Gaussia luciferease under control of CMV promtoter due to presence of KDEL (endoplasmic reticulum retention sequence)5083
          GL-K 002pBasic-GLuc-KDELPromoterless expression vector expressing intracellular Gaussia luciferase5083
          GL-GFPplenti-GLuc-IRES-EGFPLenti vector expressing Gaussia luciferase under control of CMV promoter, co-expressing EGFP using an IRES.10200
          BRL-001pCMV-BlRenLucExpresses secreted Blue Renillla luciferase under CMV promoter5083
          BRL-003pBasic-BlRenLucPromoterless vector expressing secreted Blue Renilla luciferase5083
          GRL-001pCMV-GrRenLucExpresses secreted Green Renillla luciferase under CMV promoter5083
          GRL-003pBasic-GrRenLucPromoterless vector expressing secreted Green Renilla luciferase5083
          GFL-001pCMV-GrFLucExpresses intracellular firefly luciferase (Luciola Italica)5083
          GFL-002pBasic-GrFLucPromoterless vector expressing green Luciola luciferase5083
          FL-001pCMV-RedFlucExpresses red firefly luciferase (intracellular) under control of CMV promoter5083
          FL-002pBasic-RedFLcuPromoterless vector expressing red Luciola luciferase (intracellular)5083
          FL-001SpCMV-RedSecFLucExpresses a secreted form of the red firefly luciferase under CMV promtoer5083
          FL-002SpBasic-RedSecFLucPromoterless vector expressing red firefly luciferase5083
          GAR-11000 assaysGaussia Luciferase Assay6375
          GAR-2 0090A1000 assaysGaussia Luciferase Assay (Stable signal)6800
          GAR-2B1000 assaysGaussia lLuciferase Assay (Brighter stable version)7140
          RLAR-11000 assaysRenilla Luciferase Assay reagent6800
          VLAR-11000 assaysCypridina (Vargula) Luciferase Assay Reagent6800
          VLAR-21000 assaysCypridina Luciferse Assay reagent (more stable version)7480
          FLAR-11000 assaysFirefly Luciferase Assay Reagent5950
          5X CLR-01100 ml5X Cell Lysis reagent2550
          DLAR-11000 assaysGaussia-Red Firefly Luciferase14450
          DLAR-21000 assaysRenilla-Red Firefly Luciferase14450
          DLAR-31000 assaysCypridina-Red Firefly Luciferase14450
          DLAR-41000 assaysCypridina-Gaussia Luciferase14450
          DLAR-51000 assaysCypridina-Renilla Luciferase15300
          TLAR-11000 assaysCypridina-Green Renilla-Red Firefly Luciferse Assay Reagent17000
          TLAR-21000 assaysCypridina Luciferase Gaussia Luciferase, red Firefly Luciferase Assay reagent17000
          LP-07pLenti-CMV-GLuc-IRES-GFPLentivirus expressing Gaussia luciferase and GFP, pLenti-CMV-Gluc-IRES-EGFP plasmid, 1000 assays of the Gaussia luciferase assay reagent GAR-134000
          LP-08Lenti-CMV-RedFluc-IRES-EGFPLentivirus expressing Red firefly luciferase and GFP, pLenti-CMV-RedFluc-IRES-EGFP plasmid, 1000 assays of the firefly luciferase assay reagent FLAR-134000
          LP-09pLenti-CMV-GrRenLucLentivirus expressing Green secreted Renilla , pLenti-CMV-GrRenLuc plasmid, 1000 assays of the luciferase assay reagent RLAR-134000
          LP-10pLenti-CMV-GrRenLuc-RFPLentivirus expressing Green Renilla luciferase under control of CMV promoter and RFP under phosphoglycerokinase promoter, pLenti-CMV-GrRenLuc-IRES-0RFP plasmid, 1000 assays of the luciferase assay reagent RLAR-134000
          Lenti-CustomLenti-CustomAny of the above expressing luciferase under your promoter of interest (subject to availability)42500
          LP-01pLenti-Basic-GlucPromoterless Lenti plasmid expressing Gaussia luciferase, packaging mix, 1000 assays of luciferase assay reagent28050
          LP-02pLenti-CMV-GlucControl Lenti plasmid expressing Gaussia luciferase under control of the CMV promoter, packaging mix, 1000 assays of luciferase assay reagent28050
          LP-03pLenti-CMV-GLuc-IRES-GFPControl Lenti plasmid expressing Gaussia luciferase under CMV promoter and EGFP using an IRES, packaging mix, 1000 assays of lcufierase assay reagent28050
          LP-04pLenti-BasicFLucPromoterless Lenti plasmid expressing Firefly luciferase, packaging mix, 1000 assays of luciferase assay reagent28050
          LP-05pLenti-CMV’RedFluc-IRES-EGFPControl Lenti plasmid expressing Red firefly luciferase under control of the CMV promoter and and EGFP using an IRES28050
          LP-06pLenti-CMV-GrRenLucControl Lenti plasmid expressing Green Renilla luciferase under CMV promoter28050
          LP-12pLentiCMV-GrRenLuc-RFPControl Lenti plasmid expressing Green Renilla luciferase under control of CMV promoter and RFP under phosphoglycerokinase promoter28050
          LiveResponse System1. (vector)LVR-00134000
          #004150 reactionsProfect-P1-lipid based protein delivery reagent3400
          #004250 reactionsProfect-P2, a non-lipid based protein delivery reagent3400
          #0043150 reactionsProfect-P1-lipid based protein delivery reagent7140
          #0042150 reactionsProfect-P2, a non-lipid based protein delivery reagent7140
          #0045100 ug Beta galactosidaseProfect reporter kit: This kit consists of a positive control protein recombinant Beta galactosidase, 100 ug. Fluorescent Histone and fluorescent IgG) are provided free to assess easily the efficiency of protein delivery to the cytoplasm or nucleus2550
          (#001)0.6 ml / 100-500Targefect F-12465
          (#002)4 X 0.6 ml / 200-1000Targefect F-18160
          (#003)0.6 ml / 100-500Targefect F-22465
          (#004)4 X 0.6 ml / 200-1000Targefect F-28160
          (#007)600 µlEnhancer (Virofect)- Adenovirus derived formulation that dramatically enhances gene transfer when used with F-1 or F-22040
          (#008)600 ulPeptide Enhancer2040
          (#293-01)1.2 ml (400 reacns)Targefect-293 (Targefect-F2)3230
          (#SMC-01)1.2 ml (100 reacns)Targefect-SMC (Targefect F-2 & virofect)4675
          (#BAC-01)100 reacnsTargefect-BAC (Targefect F-2 & virofect) For transfection of Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes or large DNA fragments4675
          (#HEP-01)200 reacnsTargefect-Hepatocyte (Targefect F-1 & virofect) For transfection of primary Human, rat, mouse and chimp hepatocytes4675
          (#HSC-01)1.2 mlTargefect-Hepatic slate cells3230
          (#HUVEC-01)100 reacnsTargefect-HUVEC (Targefect F-2 & virofect, peptide enhancer)5610
          (#COS-01)1.2 ml (400 reacns)Targefect-COS (Targefect F-2)3060
          (#RAW-01)1.2ml (400 reacns)Targefect-RAW (Targefect F-2 & virofect) Transfection of Raw-264.7 cells and macrophages4675
          (#Hela-01)1.2ml (400 reacns)Targefect-Hela (Targefect F-2)3230
          (#MEF-01)1.2ml (400 reacns)Targefect-MEF (Targefect F-2 & virofect) Transfection of mouse embryo fibroblasts4675
          (#OST-01)100 reacnsTargefect-Osteoblast (Targefect F-2 virofect)4675
          (CHON-01)100 reacnsTargefect-Chondrocyte (Targefect F-2, virofect)4675
          (PCL-01)100 reacnsTargefect-PCL (Pancreatic cells) (Targefect F-1 & virofect)4675
          (MEL-01)100 reacnsTargefect-Melanocyte (Targefect F-2 & virofect)4675
          (BR-01)100 reacnsTargefect-Bronchial (Targefect F-1 virofect)4675
          (MYO-01)100 reacnsTargefect-Myoblast (Targefect F-2 & virofect)4675
          (KER-01)100 reacnsTargefect-Keratinocyte (Targefect F-1 & virofect)4675
          (HMSC-01)100 reacnsTargefect-HMSc (mesenchymal stem cells) (Targefect F-2 & virofect)4675
          #0060100 reacnsTargefect-siRNA kit3740
          #0061100 reacnsTargefect-F-2 plus Virofect enhancer4505
          #0060100 reacnsTargefect-siRNA kit3740
          #0061100 reacnsTargefect-F-2 plus Virofect enhancer4505
          #S00125 ugpsiScreen plasmid vector7140
          #C00125 ugpCMV-RedFluc plasmid vector- Control plasmid expressing red-emitting firefly luciferase (Luciola Italica) under control of the CMV promoter5083
          GAR-21000 assaysGaussia luciferase assay reagent6800
          FLAR-11000 assaysFirefly luciferase assay reagent5950
          (#293-01)1.2 ml (400 reacns)Targefect-293 (Targefect-F2)3230
          #293/FS1.2 ml (500 reacns)Targefect-293FS3230


          Targeting Systems was sta















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